MONDO CINEMA Associazione Culturale
International short film competition
5th Edition, third week of September 2019
We are proud to present the fifth edition of the competition dedicated to short films is hosted in Pietrasanta.
In 1877 the poet Giosué Carducci praised this municipality now known, internationally, for its arts and crafts, such as the prestigious laboratories of marble, the famous foundries, numerous art galleries. With their work and with their presence, the artists, alongside the studios hosting authoritative masters from around the world, have made this town an open air museum. For such reasons, Mondo Cinema chose the beautiful city of Pietrasanta the ideal venue for their international film festival of short films, which aims to give visibility to authors that are little known to the general public, in a artistic and cultural environment known and appreciated worldwide.
Official Rules
Each participant will compete with a maximum of 2 (two) works. The works sent in for the competition must meet the following requirements – works will be excluded otherwise:
- Length will not exceed 20’00” (twenty minutes and zero seconds) total including credits.
- They were not produced on a date earlier than January 1st, 2015 (date of production means when the work has been completed). Please, note – In case of exclusion for failure to meet requirements 1 and 2, the entry fee will not be refunded.
- Works in foreign languages must be subtitled in Italian.
Submission Fees
A partial contribution for the costs incurred by the Organizing Body is paid as a fee. The fee will be due for each work submitted.
- Early submissions – Deadline April 30, 2019: € 18,00 ($ 21.00 using FilmFreeway)
- Regular submissions – Deadline June 30, 2019: € 23,00 ($ 26.50 using FilmFreeway)
- Late submissions – Deadline August 15, 2019 (end of submission period): € 27,00 ($ 31.00 using FilmFreeway)
How to pay the submission fees
It’s possible to pay the submission fees using:
- FilmFreeway, Festhome, Click for Festivals
- PayPal – paypal (at)
- Wire transfer – Banca Versilia Lunigiana Garfagnana, Agenzia di Pietrasanta, IBAN IT 36 N087 2670 2200 0000 0038 030, Holder: Associazione Culturale Mondo Cinema, Reason of payment: Iscrizione FAC 2019
Work’s format and rights of use
The submission of the work can be done in any format chosen by the competitor (the video resolution must be minimum 1080p) and it must be properly accompanied by film stills.
The confirmation of payment alongside the work files – together with the required data (listed at the bottom of page) and film stills – shall be emailed promptly to the following: info (at)
The petitioner declares to be entitled to all the rights of the work and any of its components; declares that the contents of the same in its availability and do not violate any laws or regulations or the rights of third parties, particularly copyrights, image rights, the brands and patents for industrial inventions; ensures and declares, moreover, that the work does not contain any libelous. In any case, the participant indemnifies the Organizing Body from all losses, damages, liabilities, costs, charges and expenses of any nature that may be incurred due to the content of the work and its public screening.
The works submitted will not be returned and will be held as assets of the archive of the Organization of the Festival. They will be shown for cultural and educational, not for profit, in every instance and place as the Organizing Body deems appropriate. The Organizing Body reserves the right to use the entered material for future events with the sole obligation to credit the source and inform and notify the authors or copyright holders.
A special artistic committee will select the works that will enter the finals; the authors of the works selected for the final will be readily informed. The technical panel and the popular jury will choose the winners of the various awards.
The Organization Body might choose to add other awards, or not to award prizes in case works submitted prove not be relevant to the category.
The members of the artistic committee (directors, film producers) and members of the juries are chosen independently. The decision of the artistic committee, and the juries alike, is final. The Organizing Body makes the final decision in case of controversy.
The Organizing Body reserves the right to suspend or modify the festival if they see fit. In case of cancellation of the event, fees will be refunded.
Participation in the contest implies explicit acceptance by all its participants of all the terms and conditions set out in each herein.
The Organizing Body will set new provisions to regulate new cases.
Based on the experience from the previous editions and to make the participation easier for all the directors, no categories/sections are listed for the 2019 edition besides the “Free theme”.
Awards will be as follows:
- Award “Città di Pietrasanta” assigned by Associazione Culturale “Mondo Cinema” to the best work ever, assigned by the technical committee;
- Premio alla Migliore Interpretazione (Best Actor/Actress), assigned by the technical committee;
- Premio alla Migliore Sceneggiatura (Best Script), assigned by the technical committee;
- Premio alla Migliore Fotografia (Best Photography), assigned by the technical committee;
- Premio “Scuola di Cinema” (Cinema School), assigned by the technical committee;
- “Popular Jury” Award, awarded by the popular jury;
- Special mentions.
Required Data
Please, note – Please copy and fill in the information in the body of the email, referencing payment made, work, together with stills.
Work data
- Title:
- Date:
- Artistic cast:
- Technical cast:
- Production:
- Screenplay:
- Theme:
- Synopsis:
About the director
- Name and surname of the director:
- Date of birth (dd/mm/yy):
- Mobile number:
- E-mail:
- Facebook profile and/or Facebook Page:
- Instagram profile:
More information
- Directorial debut (yes/no)?
- If not, what other works were produced?
- Was this work presented at other festivals (yes/no)?
- If so, what other festivals?
- Has the director participated in other festivals (yes/no)?
- If so, which ones and when?
By their enrollment and by emailing the aforementioned information and material, applicants confirm to fully accept the Official Rules.